Friday, January 16, 2009


Not me. The cold. I have not actually left the house since Tuesday. No, this is not a confession from a hermit it is just that it has been dangerously cold so I thought I shouldn't parade about with my children. I will admit it is tempting. I have cabin fever and am trying to "man up" and make the best of it. Currently it is -2 degrees out and in case that isn't bad enough with the wind chill it feels like -17. Woohoo! I cannot complain (too much) because I am in my warm house but to say that we are all getting a little stir crazy is an understatement. I have literally used my car once this week and that was to go to the Dr.'s. Don't worry about us though tomorrow's high is a whopping 20 degrees so we will be heading out in our shorts and t-shirts to enjoy all that warmth. :) I am thankful that the past two freezing days have been sunny. I have been waking up and opening all the blinds and curtains so I can pretend to let the sun soak us in warmth. Not much else going on here. I am looking forward to a long weekend with Jared and the boys. I am also looking forward to my Girls Night Out on Monday. I'll leave you with a flashback Friday picture from a sunny day to warm all of us up. I hope it works! :)

These were the biggest bubbles EVER. This one pictured was actually one of the smaller ones. We had a lot of fun in Nana and Papa's yard. The boys were 14 months old here.


Liz said...

Good to know I'm not the only one stuck inside and hating it. Enjoy the heatwave tomorrow :)

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

yup, sounds like my life. stuck inside, below freezing outside. going a tiny bit stir crazy. my oil is overdue to be changed, but i keep thinking what's the point to rushing to get it done...we go NOWHERE! lol.

Sunshine Savvy said...

Hi Becky!

I love keeping up with your blog! The boys are adorable and I enjoy reading your posts, even though it makes me miss you so much! I hope ir warms up for you guys. I can't complain, but I'm even cold here in Florida...what's going on?!? Miss you guys! :)

monica said...

Wow that is cold. I am sorry that you are house bound but at least you will get up to 20 and be able to get outside for a short time maybe.

What a picture picture with the bubbles.

On the other hand, we are having a heat wave at 78 degrees and sunny.

The Wilsons said...

I hear you! It is freezing here in WI too! Stay warm! It stinks!