Monday, January 12, 2009

Alex's New Best Friend

His new friend joins him at the table and when he is having his diaper changed. We have started leaving his binky (pacifier) in the crib when he is not sleeping. We give it to Mr. Bunny and it is Bunny's turn to take a nap. He has adjusted well and today marks one entire week of leaving it in the crib. Yay, Alex!!! I think his pacifier obsession has been replaced with his alligator.

I also let the boys dip their nuggets in ketchup yesterday. They made quite a mess but had a blast. It is definitely the little things that make them happy. I love it.


monica said...

Yeah for Alex giving up his obsession of pacifiers!! Wya to Go!! Love the alligator and the picture of him eating. Did he also feed it some of his banana? Very cute!

One of my kids likes to dip everything and one has nothing to do with dipping.

Liz said...

yay for Alex detoxing from pacifier use! LOL He just found another vice with the alligator. :)

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

yay alex, that is a tough transition sometimes, way to go buddy! love your new bff :) i haven't been brave enough to try sauces (or anything sauce like), they make enough of a mess as it is! cute pictures though :)