Tuesday, January 27, 2009

21 months old! (over a week ago)

My boys are dangerously close to 2! I cannot believe it. They are funny boys and every day something new happens that either makes me laugh or cry :) They are definitely becoming rough and tumble little boys while being tender and sometimes even polite. Sometimes their "thank you" involves someone almost losing a limb because they are violently pulling a toy that they want out of their brother's hand but hey we gotta start somewhere. They are still in love with Barney and all of his songs. They are starting to clean things around the house in their own way. Eli has a "mean" face that frightens us all. Alex continues to break sound barriers when he is upset. They are typical toddlers! And here are the "typical" chair pics.

I think last month I claimed that it was the last "chair pic" but now I mean it!

Alex "cleaning" his brother. Don't worry that vacuum was off.

This is while I attempt making dinner. Notice Eli "cleaning" the floor with a paper towel.

I did find the boys their own dust pan and broom set in the dollar section of Target. Score!

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