Friday, August 1, 2008

Flashback Friday 9/21/07 (5 months old)

Eli peacefully sleeping. Oh how I miss it.

Alex not throwing a tantrum. Ahhhh!

So happy together!!!

This is from yesterday.
I love that I captured Eli laughing at his brother. I love these moments and once I get this nap thing under control I think we will all be a bit happier. Today it worked for Eli to take one and Alex two. This means not much peace and quiet but I do get to spend one on one time with each of them and maybe that is what they are needing. Jared is watching the boys tonight so that I can go out so that is VERY exciting and VERY necessary.


Harris Boys said...

hey becky..the boys are too cute sleeping...I loved those days where you could just let them sleep

hope you enjoyed your night out...I know it was much needed!

tbonegrl said...

Awww...too cute! I miss those days a lot!