Thursday, August 18, 2011

Preschool, Play-doh and ....

I don't have a 3rd "P" but here is a bit of what's going on around here. We are not starting the boys in preschool this Fall but I plan to continue working with the boys at home. This week we started reviewing alphabet sounds and tracing the letters with other various letter activities. We are also doing circle time which involves songs, rhymes and books. I asked Eli yesterday if he liked it and he said "No, it's too hard!" After talking with him further he indicated that he doesn't love having to sit still and follow directions but I am realizing that both boys really need practice with this. Once we get going they do seem to enjoy it, although today I said "O.k. either circle time or bed but it is time to shut off the T.V." They chose bed. Yeah, we have a long way to go.

We discovered, thanks to my sister Molly, that Looney Tunes is on every day at noon so we have a new tradition called "lunch time and looney tunes" (creative, I know). This way, (ideally), they are not begging me to watch TV all day.
Addie also played with play-doh for the first time today. She had the homemade stuff in case she tried to eat it, which, of course she did. ;)IMG_3217_1
She is also not only crawling a little bit like before but she is crawling all over the house which has COMPLETELY changed my day to day living, let me tell you. I forgot what this was like. The difference with her is that there are 2 little boys leaving various little things all over the house and to her they are simple something to insert into her mouth. It has been interesting.

She already knows how to mess up her room too.
Other than that we are counting down the days until Jared starts school: 4 to be exact. IMG_3195

He works all Summer so it will not be a huge adjustment for us but he will be back to dealing with teenagers on a regular basis, lucky guy.

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