Monday, October 5, 2009

Fall and Crafts!

I have a few craft projects in the works despite the fact that I am not at all "crafty". I do like to create things though so whether or not it looks perfect I enjoy the process. My friend Briana is a creative person. She makes cards and lovely scrapbooks. I enlisted her to take my craft plans and run with them. She did and this is what we made today.

the plan

the "plan"

We had a great time and watched "You've Got Mail" while crafting. This means that we talked over most of the movie and watched little although we heard enough of it to quote our favorite lines so mission accomplished.


At one point I asked Briana if we should straighten up the chaos and she said "No, this is how I work". That is when I knew we were crafting sisters. :)


Here is our first attempt. We both plan to go home and do some more but I thought our pumpkins were pretty cute.


My next project involves a TON of pinecones and we don't own a pine tree therefore I was at a loss where I would get the mass amounts that I needed. Today while on a walk with boys I hit the mother load. SO EXCITING! On a side note: the whole way home from picking out the pine cones I was calling them acorns and taught the boys that they were acorns. When I was taking the next picture Briana said "do you guys like your pine cones?" This is when I realized that I'd taught my sons the wrong thing. OOPS! I blame Mommy Brain. Oy!


They were fascinated by all of the "acorns" that we found!

Briana's creativity is better displayed at kittredgekards. Please go check out her site. Her husband designed it and it is very impressive.

I meant to link to the site where I discovered the pumpkins. I had never been to this site and am IN LOVE. Enjoy!


Mariah said...

How funny...I have been sitting here wondering where the heck the music was coming from and just realized your blog was still open. I'm not used to your new music yet!!! Love the pumpkins. Glad my sis could come over and watch You've Got Mail. I miss Fall. Texas doesn't have Fall. I hate having cool weather with beautiful scenery of the lakes and rivers around here with no turning leaves!!!! I miss my tree. I may have to blog about it:)

Mariah said...

How funny...I have been sitting here wondering where the heck the music was coming from and just realized your blog was still open. I'm not used to your new music yet!!! Love the pumpkins. Glad my sis could come over and watch You've Got Mail. I miss Fall. Texas doesn't have Fall. I hate having cool weather with beautiful scenery of the lakes and rivers around here with no turning leaves!!!! I miss my tree. I may have to blog about it:)

briana said...

please tell me that i don't look that scary in real life!

Liz said...

I love the pumpkins! Very adorable. I can't wait to see what the "acorns" are for!

Becky said...

So can you show us step by step how you made those~ they are adorable!

Alicia said...

awww those pumpkins are adorable!! and i can't wait to see what the acorns turn out to be!! lol

Anonymous said...

Can I just say I LOVE your blog. I get so many great ideas from it. I check it daily. Ava and I made Letter E art projects today from the Flashcards site you recommended. I love the dinner for the week printout on my fridge. I do gets lots of great ideas from you!! Pine cones with peanutbutter and birdseed make great bird feeders the boys can make or glue and glitter and green paint make them cute Christmas Trees=)

I have a glass container with coffee beans in it but I'm loving the one you pictured with regular beans in it. I have a candle in mine do you have anything in it besides the beans?

Valerie Pfeifer

monica said...

The pumpkins are very cute. I can't wait to check out the link to how you made them! The pine cones are beautiful! Can't wait to see what you make with them! The boys look very cute!

Becky @ Our Sweet Peas said...

Wow thanks for all the compliments.

Becky I emailed you the link and attached it to the end of the post :)

Val, thanks so much and I may try some of those pine cone ideas. I have candles in both containers one with lentils and the other with the various peas and beans. You can't beat the price for decorating with these! :)

Paige said...

i just found your blog through amber's blog- i love crafting! this is similiar to a project i have done in kindergarten that had halloween saftey tips. never thought about making it with pretty papers!!! where did you find the directions?? how wide were your paper strips? so cute!!

BJ_Mama said...

I love your "tomatoes" hehe, just kidding! You wouldn't, by chance, be making a pinecone wreath, would you? That's what I wanto to make too!
Nice "seeing you" today, sitsta!

Melissa B. said...

Look at're such a crafty gal! Alas, my "craftiness" is only of the written variety. When the kids were little, we relied on my super-talented SIL for the crafts!

A Leg Up After Knee Surgery

Traditions By The Seasons said...

Love your craft project and the pumpkins are too cute! Just stumbled across your blog---adorable! ~Liz

Emma @ Outmumbered said...

Those pumpkins are Fab!

Amie Kirk said...

Love the pumpkins! I think I will give this a try! Very cute!

Amie Kirk said...

Love the pumpkins! I think I will give this a try! Very cute!

The Blonde Duck said...

Popped in from SITS to say hi! Those pumpkins are darling!

Nicolasa said...

That is so much fun that you had a crafting day! Everything looks great!

Unknown said...

Those pumpkins are adorable!

Thank you so much for visiting my blog on my SITS day. I am still working on visiting everyone who stopped by.

Your little ones are adorable!

Disney said...

Oh those pumpkins are so cute!! I should post abour it on my craft blog sometime! And I love Ucreate, it's one of my favorite blogs!
How neat that you have a friend to do that with! And You've Got Mail is pretty much my favorite movie ever!