Friday, May 14, 2010

Addison News

Well things in our home have taken a definite turn. To make a long story short I am in the hospital with mild pre-eclampsia. I came in yesterday and they are keeping me tonight. I am 23 weeks on Sunday so it is way too early. I may be in the hospital from here on out OR if I go home I will be on bed rest. Either alternative is desirable as opposed to delivering early. I can't even get the steroid shots for the baby's lungs until 24 weeks. I miss my boys although when they do visit things get a little crazy. After they left last night my bed controls didn't work and the brake was off so that every time I sat down the bed moved. Alex also almost pulled out my IV which was a nice touch.

As far as how we are coping we are obviously concerned. We have no idea how we will get by on bed rest, me in the hospital or the other alternatives. We are left with completely relying on God for our "daily manna". I know that is a great place to be but it is far from easy. I have to trust God right now and not worry about how to trust him tomorrow or the next day depending on where this journey takes us. We appreciate your prayers and know we are in His hands.

I remember once I started blogging I wished that I had been blogging during my hospital stay and pregnancy. Now I have my chance so I hope to post a bit more. I definitely have time. On a funny note my roommate watches TV 24 hours a day. In complete honesty it was about 20 hours. I believe it was off from 3-7am. She likes to watch all the "Judge" shows. Believe it or not on day time TV there are a 1/2 dozen of these shows AND she watches "TYRA". Lord, help me! I think the worst part is that she isn't always watching it. It is on while she sleeps, talks on the phone, etc. Last night they gave me Ambien and earplugs so I got a bit of sleep. Tonight I have the same plan. Thankfully she is a really nice lady we just happen to have very different habits. I am ready to go back to my regular roomie at home. I miss him.


Molly said...

Hello my brave sister. I am so proud of you and how you take care of your babies. We are praying for you. I'm so glad you're posting because it makes me feel like I'm with you(even though it's driving me crazy that I can't be). I'm not even the bad one, luckily Missy is out of town.(she's gonna have a cow). Love you and miss you.

Your sis' Molly

Liz said...

OMG! This is the first I am reading this...I am praying that you hold out for A LOOOOONG TIME! It must be so difficult. I would feel the same way about your roommate's TV watching choices and all day habit. UGH! I read your most recent post and am glad you got to go home. Rest up & keep cooking Addison. One plus if she does come early is that preemie girls are stronger than boys and then there's the old you've been through it before but let's not go there! My thoughts and prayers are with you!