Thursday, January 7, 2010

A "Real" Snow

We got our first "real" snow storm of the year today. It is calm, pure, peaceful. I can say that because I am in my warm house watching it! :) I will NOT feel this way come February and by March we can get pretty cranky around here. Seriously though, there is something almost magical about everything being covered with a blanket of white. Add to it the excitement of all the school aged kids in the neighborhood running and sliding about with or without their sleds. They are also already crossing their fingers for a snow day. My 8 year old neighbor informed me while I was shoveling that she planned to wear her pajamas inside out and backwards and sleep with a spoon under her pillow with 3 white crayons. YIKES! She definitely has a system. Where were all of these tips when I was a kid and how did I grow up in Michigan and not have this pertinent information? The good new is Jared teaches and if there were, in fact, a snow day I would get to have him home. I wonder if he would join me in sleeping with our pajamas inside out??? I doubt it! Ah well, I'm off to watch it snow!

1 comment:

monica said...

Wow taht would be so neat to watch it long as I was inside also! How pretty! I am longing to go to the snow!