I logged on to my computer this morning to post today and the computer that has my pictures on it will not connect to the internet and the computer I am currently using does not have my camera program installed anymore, apparently. So I decided to post a pictureless post anyways.
Adds and I grabbed groceries this morning and are now home hibernating. The wind chills this morning were between -5 and -15 so I had to fight to even make myself go out to do that. I cannot wait for Spring.
Last night we visited a woman from church in the hospital that had her daughter at 28 weeks. We hoped to encourage them in the journey that is the NICU with a sweet preemie. We got in the car and man it hit me. I remembered all the fear that was wrapped up in those first hours, days, weeks and months. God's grace was so sufficient. His hope was ALL we had. No one could reassure us that they'd be "fine". It was not a given. I truly pray that type of grace and peace over this family.
We also have a friend that is 33 years old and has 4 boys, ages ranging 3-12 who has been diagnosed with cancer. And I have yet to mention here that my nephew Teddy is undergoing radiation for his tumor that returned and continued to grow despite a year of weekly chemo. It's been a rough winter and this world can take the joy right out of you. I am so thankful for our relationship with Jesus Christ that assures us that none of us are long for this world. This life is but a vapor. Our home is not here. I need that reassurance today as we see so few answers for all that is taking place in the lives of those we love. God is good, all the time. Painful as this world sometimes can be.

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