Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Seen and Heard

Overheard this afternoon:

Alex to Eli- "Oh yeah, that was OFF THE HOOZLE!"

Um, what?

They picked it up from "Despicable Me". Hysterical, these two.

Here they are watching it in Uncle Kevin's car on our way to Ann Arbor a couple of weekends ago.

They were in little boy heaven. Somehow they aren't as excited about Mommy's ride anymore.


Alex did his own hair, hence the soaking wet bangs because playing in the water is the best part of doing your hair.

We used to go to Ann Arbor without 6 kids in tow.


This is us now.


We went to the Hands On Museum.

This was Eli the ENTIRE TIME.


He was a blur! SO MUCH to do.

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