Saturday, April 28, 2012

The Weekend

Last night was kindergarten round up.  I cannot believe that my babies are ready for school, however, time is against me and declares it to be true.  Anyways, I will spare you the mello-drama for the time being and share the basics with you.

We went to their classroom and toured the school, met the teacher (who taught my kindergarten class her first year teaching in 1981 so it was just a formality), and asked any questions.  The kids played in the kindergarten/1st grade playroom while we had our meeting.  The boys think school is the. greatest. thing. ever. because it consisted of playing with a bunch of kids.  When we walked in they ran away from us and towards the other kids and the toys.  No anxiety about being away from their parents, that is FOR SURE.


I only teared up once and all in all Jared and I feel comfortable starting them in the Fall.  We plan to do 1/2 days on Mon-Thurs and all day Friday because they have specials that day.  They'll start Mid-August.  It is a reading kindergarten and I was in awe of how fast they will begin to read.  Alex actually read a few pages from one of the Bob books that I got from the library this morning and blew. my. mind.  I think they are ready for all the phonics stuff and even math.  My concern of course goes back to their fine motor.  I don't want them to be frustrated with the writing process SO we will be working on that A LOT this Spring/Summer.  


In this picture I said "Eli be STILL".

In this picture I had to say "Alex, be still".  I swear photographing 5 year old boys is impossible.  By the way their boots were a birthday gift from my sister and rain or shine they want to wear them.  

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First Soccer game this morning.  "Spring" soccer started off with a bang and we froze our tails off.  The boys are the young ones of the group again.  Alex played goalie and stopped a ball.  His face was PRICELESS. He was a very proud boy.  Eli continues to love to play also.  I must have said Eli/Alex find the ball, watch the ball, where's the ball, kick the ball about 5,000 times.  They'll get it.  :)

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Tonight we head to Target for some necessities and tomorrow church, assuming Addie's feeling a bit better.  A typical weekend here at the Rodd house. 

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

How did this happen????

and could someone please tell me how to make it STOP.  Mama is struggling with the whole, babies turning 5, thing.  Don't even get me started on kindergarten. IMG_5967

Enough about how them turning 5 affects me.  Hello, self-involved!  Anyways the boys are so excited to turn 5.  They have been counting down and ALL THEY WANT IS A SKATEBOARD!!!!

I wish (man do I wish) that I were kidding.  Jared assures me that they'll be OK.  I foresee ER visits in our near future.
Eli was so excited in this picture to wear his towel "like Daddy".

Anyways, they are growing ridiculously fast and doing and saying crazy things all. the. time.  Alex called me outside today and he was swinging HIGH by himself.  No need for anyone to push him or "get him started" like he usually asks.  He was full on, big boy, swinging.  I got a lump in my throat.  When he couldn't wait to show Daddy we all went back outside and the twinkle in Alex's eye was unmistakable.  Jared caught him in a huge hug and all I could think was I am ridiculously blessed.

2 healthy 27 weekers.  There were days when I could never have pictured 5 year olds swinging like big boys.

That day is here.


 Thank you Lord.IMG_5769
Their latest obsession.  Lego Batman & Lego Indiana Jones.  They pretty much wake up asking to play.

Happy Birthday Alex!  Happy Birthday Eli!  You are unbelievably loved!!!!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

It's almost been a month.....

I haven't been doing so well in the blogging department so I thought I'd start small with these pics of Addie.

We discovered a certain little girl likes canteloupe.......



In this last picture Eli was showing me his tap dancing moves while he was still in casts (the sound is better, duh?).  It was entertaining.  I think he saw Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck do it on his Looney Tunes DVD.
