Addie had fun with paints this past week. She did a taste test AND painted on a beard. Good times.
Charlie Brown Christmas. They quoted scripture when telling the Christmas Story and Eli said "Are they talking about OUR Lord?" So sweet.
This was after the boys concert. This little girl wore us out! She may look sweet but she is a force. Trust.
The boys rented a video game after the concert so Addie and I had fun playing with my iphone.
Picked these up for $2 each at the Mom 2 Mom sale. The boys LOVE them.
Bundled Addie up for a walk yesterday . It was cold but she LOVES getting outside.
So now we prepare for the weekend. Had a relaxing coffee date with Kim, Addie and Amanda this morning and look forward to getting extra time with all 3 of my boys this weekend.
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